Whatsapp Messenger for download and free install
Minimum requirements to install whatsapp on Android:
Android OS 2.1 at least
You can connect via wifi or internet plan your operator
Not compatible with tablets for this you must install BlueStacks -
Minimum requirements to install whatsapp on Iphone:
Iphone iOS 6.0 at least
You can connect via wifi or 3G internet plan your operator -
Minimum requirements to install whatsapp on Nokia:
Download the latest WhatsApp 2.12.23 APK or Website Official Whatsapp
Whatsapp Install Runing Nokia → Warning Accepte
Minimum requirements to install whatsapp on Windows:
Windows Phone 7.5 at least
Whatsapp Install Runing Nokia V.
Connection 4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available

Download and install whatsapp for Android Device

Whatsapp free for IOS

Download Whatsapp for Nokia Devices

Whatsapp its avalaible for Windows Users
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I’ve tried so many times installing whatsapp for my Nokia Lumia 530 but i failed and now i’m missing a lot.
Plz can u help I want to download and installed my whatsapp I’ve tryd bt I failed plz I have 535 Microsoft Lumia plz
I’ve been trying to install WhatsApp on my BlackBerry Z10 several times but I’m failing
I’ve tried to install update my what’sapp bt I failed
I’ve try to install whatsapp on my Nokia lumia 501 but I failed wish
I like whatsapp