Difference between Whatsapp and Whatsapp Plus

There are applications that have become so popular that they have been cloned, which make some features accessible to users that are not included in the original one, trying to make them more interesting, such as WhatsApp Plus which have been cloned from Whatsapp. Here we will intend to explain what the different features are and what makes one more attractive than the other.

Comparison: Whatsapp Plus vs Whatsapp

 little comparison between the two versions of Whatsapp

little comparison between the two versions of Whatsapp

We will proceed to do a little comparison between the two versions of Whatsapp

The download method by which the original application WhatsApp is got is Google Play, which is a reliable platform. Unfortunately, it’s not the same reliability to download WhatsApp Plus (clone), because to do so, you must go to any website that stores the application. The downside of this is that the webpages could be a bridge for fraud and corruption, so it is impossible to know if you are downloading a virus or not, consequently, many users prefer to stop executing downloads in this places, because the use of these webpages is entirely at your own risk.

The WhatsApp Plus application, like any other, must be constantly updated in each time period the product indicates it but unfortunately you must also download cracks to be able to do it effectively and this may only be done by using non-authentic websites, so certainly, updating have the same impact that the problems users face when installing the app. Whatsapp Plus has formed many doubts on users that distrust the product for being a modified and unofficial version that is considered unsafe and dangerous for any dispositive.

The color of the official application icon is green and this may be altered thanks to some devices and interface templates that may be downloadable. The WhatsApp Plus is originally blue, but colors can vary according to the user’s choice, you can change the color. The original Whatsapp don’t offer the opportunity to hide information while Whatsapp Plus does it if the client wants to, for example, you may hide profile pictures, status updates and notifications which options can be accessed simply by entering the menu, which may be quite attractive for some people.

Many people dislike that those who are in their contact lists may always check their displayed last connection time, completely eliminating personal privacy. By the moment, Wahtsapp Plus offers the option to hide it well. Another factor Whatsapp Plus does that draws attention is audio transference, which is made directly from an opened window. However, to do this on the original Whatsapp you must have an additional program for it to be downloaded, such as Dropbox.

To conclude, we understand that WhatsApp can be rigid when it comes to customization, but still, if desired, templates and other tools can be downloaded to improve this aspect. As it is known in Whatsapp Plus, this is not so. By the way, almost all the changes that could be made are included in the application, but there is a disadvantage and it is, obviously, the lack of trust users feel when downloading anything from a website that does not offer protection.

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